Quick question: Is Garden compatible with ArgoCD or would it replace it?
@ripe-waitress-95132 welcome to the community! It's not an either/or as the article details. Garden does a lot of things distinctly not the domain of ArgoCD, like caching throughout the SDLC and an inner loop experience I have yet to find a peer for, including interwoven IaC to application code, and any mix of local and remote services
Thanks! Another question then, how does it play with crossplane?
Would you be using Crossplane to create and reconcile infrastructure resources?
I can tell you right away we don't offer a Crossplane plugin but I love me some Crossplane for IaC and if you wanted to see it included as a plugin together with our other IaC plug-ins Terraform and Pulumi I'd welcome any feature request submitted to our GitHub
Thanks @quaint-dress-831 I know we are planning to use crossplane but we haven't started to eval Garden yet so too early to say 🙂
@ripe-waitress-95132 I will change this to resolved for now but just give us a shout with anything 🙂