Module container running with `ROOT` has a weird b...
# 🌱|help-and-getting-started
Hello, Let me first describe my use case: 1. I have a database container module 2. After I deploy the database, I run a task on this DB that extracts some files from the container and exposes them as artifacts This works very nicely, especially when combined with a workflow I switched the database container module to a different image, that image uses the
USER root
in it's Dockerfile. With this new image when I run the
it doesn't
the files that I need. If I shell into the container the files are there, if I use
garden exec
to simply list the files, the files are there. However if I use
garden task
the task can't see the files. The reason I need to use the task is because I can add artifacts extrations to it, while the
doesn't have this option. I tried using
on the task, but same result. What is going on here? Also is there another way to copy files out of a running container without using a task? Thank you!
Hey @aloof-lamp-69262 sounds like you're using Acorn, our previous release. If you want a task to see the same files your service container sees you'll want to use our new
action in Bonsai. See this example: