helm modules and crds?
# 🌱|help-and-getting-started
Hi, I'm trying to use a helm chart that has a
directory alongside the typical templates directory. It doesn't seem garden propagates this directory into the
hierarchy, so the crds are hence not installed. Is this intended or a bug? If intended how are you supposed to get CRDs installed? Thanks!
Looking at it it seems like the logic that collects things into
only copies files and the templates dir, but no other dirs. The
dir is the standard way in helm 3 to install CRDs, so this seems a bug to me: https://helm.sh/docs/chart_best_practices/custom_resource_definitions/
Hello @tall-greece-98310 🌸! Thanks for reporting this, Would you mind sharing the Garden configuration you are trying to deploy with those CRD's? Is this a public chart that you are trying to install or it's something you can't share with me to try to replicate the issue?
it's not a public chart, but any chart that has a top level looking like
file with a
the crds dir does not make it into the
dir for the module
my reading of helm docs is that helm v3 prefers to install crds in this way
I can try to reproduce the issue with that one that seems like replicates the chart structure you are mentioning, yes. Having a separate /crds folder is the preferred way to install those CRD's with Helm3. I will try to get that Kong installed with the CRD's!
yes, that's the structure my chart has
dir shwos in the
dir but not in the
dir and hence are not applied. I worked around it using an explicit kubernetes module referencing the crd files (via a repositoryUrl to the git repo of the chart).
Hey @tall-greece-98310 thanks a lot for reporting this, I was able to reproduce this issue and I created a Github Issue with the details! https://github.com/garden-io/garden/issues/3864 I think this is a bug but it might also be a Feature request. We will see whenever one of our developers takes a look into this one! Thanks again!
cheers - thanks for picking it up. Was going to file an issue, just wanted to ask first in case it was pilot error by me.
Thank you, it seems like a bug, but perhaps we might convert it later to a feature request in case it's identified as that later on. I will be on the loop and will update you once we get some friction in the issue! Thanks for reporting ❤️
Hi @tall-greece-98310 , I thought we fixed that issue last summer 🤔 https://github.com/garden-io/garden/pull/3004/files# I have a couple of helm charts with crds that I install with a garden helm module and I can see the crds directory in the .garden/build.
Would love to see the config of either your helm chart / garden module or where you reproduced it @bright-policeman-43626 🙂
I don't have anything public. It is a helm chart module using a git repo for the chart sources via repositoryURL
I can share a screen shot later of structure.
Sure! Here you can find where I reproduced this issue with Kong public chart https://github.com/ShankyJS/garden-charts-crds
Hopefully that one helps @freezing-pharmacist-34446!🌸
Hi! Chiming in to say I’ve seen this too with scylladb’s helm charts https://operator.docs.scylladb.com/stable/helm.html https://scylla-operator-charts.storage.googleapis.com/latest (Don’t do stable - they apparently deleted stable xD not that stable after all)
Thanks for sharing that @hallowed-apartment-22484 that help us to confirm that this behavior is still happening after the fix implemented on pr-3004!