Trying to run your quickstart example against an EKS cluster for evaluation. I have an error pulling images for built containers. This is with the default setup. Just targetted at AWS rather than locally.
Copy code
Pod worker-7866cf9ff5-7skfq: Failed - Failed to pull image "": rpc error: code = 
Unknown desc = failed to pull and unpack image "": failed to resolve reference 
"": failed to do request: Head 
"": http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
Pod worker-7866cf9ff5-7skfq: Failed - Error: ErrImagePull
Pod worker-7866cf9ff5-7skfq: BackOff - Back-off pulling image ""
Pod worker-7866cf9ff5-7skfq: Failed - Error: ImagePullBackOff
Does the registry require tls? Can I provide it cert-manager issuer or something? It seems you are missing a page referenced in your documentation also. I would have liked to have it. On this page https://docs.garden.io/kubernetes-plugins/remote-k8s/configure-registry This (non) page is referenced https://docs.garden.io/guides/in-cluster-building
Hello! Thanks for reporting and evaluating Garden! Welcome, Are you able to access this document? https://docs.garden.io/kubernetes-plugins/remote-k8s/configure-registry/aws
I'd read on this Discord that the internal registry was being deprecated. I assume issues like this are why. I am happy enough to use ECR. However it would have been nice to "worry about that later". Maybe you should mention this in your docs. Thanks for the advice.
@agreeable-grass-30619 I don't believe we require TLS on the internal registry. In any case, it's never my first choice to use because I've found it flaky and I want to either solve this flakiness or just rip it out as we're doing. Stay focused on what we're best at, which is delivering rapid iterative deployments to clusters near or far and expanding our pluggable architecture
For our next quarter we will deliver on the docs so you and anyone else doesn't need to be waylaid on side quests like this
Hey @agreeable-grass-30619 just wanted to check-in and see if you were able to solve this issue?
I was not able to. I worked around it with an external registry. I also hit against a similar issue when running on a docker-desktop on Windows.
The in-cluster registry is already dropped in the next release
(That's 0.13, the big next-gen one we're all excited about)
I was able to workaround issues with local docker registry by leveraging
in local, would you mind checking this thread https://discord.com/channels/817392104711651328/1081166271191711744 I think it might solve your problem as well!