ConfigTemplate Deploy kubernetes manifests
# 🌱|help-and-getting-started
Hi, i want to use ConfigTemplates and reuse one kubernetes manifest file for multiple services. When i set the (ConfigTemplate) variable configs[].spec.files[0] to
i get an error, that the file is not found. Thats fine for the moment, because the file is searched within the directory where the
is located. But as soon as i try to change the path one directory up, for example
i get the following error :/
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Error validating configure handler output from provider local-kubernetes for Deploy type kubernetes:

config does not match any of the allowed types
Sorry for the late reply here. The error message is a bit confusing (tripped me up as well, we need to fix that) but I believe the issue you're seeing is due to the fact that you can't reference files in parent directories in Garden actions. This is really just a limitation of Garden. There is a workaround though in case it makes sense for your use case: You can basically manually overwrite the "source path" of any Garden action and set it to e.g. the root of the project. So let's say you have the following structure:
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├── api
│   └── garden.yml
├── garden.yml
└── manifests
In this case, you can't by default reference the manifests in the
file because it would require
files: ../manifests/**/*
and that
is basically not allowed. However, in
you can set:
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  path: ../
That basically "tricks" Garden into thinking the action is at the root of the project and you would now reference the manifests with
files: ./manifests/**/*
. There's an example of this pattern here: The
field is basically the only config field in where you'll see
in the context of a path.
Awesome 🙂 thank you!