Action Deploy Helm fails with additonal property ....
# 🌱|help-and-getting-started
Hi all! I'm trying to deploy a helm chart with garden 0.13.7 and it's failing with the following error:
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Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: values don't meet the specifications of the schema(s) in the following chart(s):
- (root): Additional property .garden is not allowed
So, the error itself is pretty obvious. The jupyterhub helm chart is invalidating any additional properties not included in the chart's schema. The only solution to this that I'm currently coming up with is to fork their helm-chart and edit the schema. That is certainly not an ideal solution and would require a lot of extra work on my end, and I don't have any need to make further edits to that helm chart schema other than to allow additional properties at the root. I've installed 7-8 other charts with Garden and have had no issues. Absolutely in love with it. My question: Is there a way to disable the
--set \.garden.mode=default
argument that is added to the command? The command and output that's being run by garden is:
Command "/home/jessica/.garden/tools/helm/b736014484fd8f0f/linux-amd64/helm --kube-context jess-epx-platform --kubeconfig /home/jessica/GolandProjects/EpxPlatform-BaseDockerfile/garden/terraform/kubeconfig.yaml --namespace jupyterhub install jupyterhub jupyterhub --version 1.2.0 --repo --namespace jupyterhub --timeout 300s --values /home/jessica/GolandProjects/EpxPlatform-BaseDockerfile/garden/actions/deploy/platform-hub/helm/base.yaml --values /tmp/8336045834d1f61022757a21faa86dee --set \.garden.mode=default" failed with code 1:
This can be reproduced with the following deploy action:
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kind: Deploy
type: helm
name: platformhub-helm
  releaseName: jupyterhub
  namespace: jupyterhub
    name: jupyterhub
    version: "1.2.0"
If anyone has any insight to this, please help! I really really don't want to start maintaining another helm chart.
Hi @clean-kite-99549, welcome to the community and thank you so much for the kind words! I will start by reproducing your error then get right back to you 🕐
Reproduced the error: looking into alternative workarounds
@clean-kite-99549 uh oh, this bug is both known and slipped through the cracks 😨 . There is no workaround apart from the ones you suggested yourself. I am going to prioritize this with our core team for next week's sprint. We're usually quite quick to solve once we're on top of an issue. That issue is over here:
I will add a comment there now stating you've experienced this with a few technical details and a link pointing back to this post
@quaint-dress-831 Thanks so much for the quick turnaround on this. Great support and thanks for confirming it. I don't envy the core team for trying to solve this without breaking the existing implementation.
Comment added. Feel free to add your own thoughts. We'll get to this Monday!
Heya @clean-kite-99549, wanted to update you on this: Garden's core team discussed this, did a little investigation, and found there's both an open issue and accompanying PR to allow disabling of schema validation. Thanks to our dev @ancient-diamond-80011 for clueing me in: It looks like the maintainer who could review and merge this is on vacation so we'll need to hang tight for them to return. Once it's fixed upstream, we could bump our supported Helm version and that should fix it 🙂
Hey @quaint-dress-831. Thanks for the update. It looks like that could be one of those PR's and issues that never end up getting merged/resolved but still referenced every few months(we all know those 😆 ). The vacation message was posted a month ago, and that person has committed within the last week to the repository. With that being said though, I understand my issue is an edge case and has a viable workaround, so fixing it on your side is of low value. I'll move forward with forking the helm chart. Really appreciate y'all looking at and discussing this issue though. It's great to see that level of responsiveness and does nothing but bolster my confidence in the product moving forward. Great work!
confirmed I'm able to work around this by porting the helm chart to the repository I'm already working out of, setting the additionalProperties configuration key to
in the values.schema.json file, and using the below syntax:
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  path: <path-to-chart>
instead of
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Helm developers stuck in limbo. I just ran into the same thing...
@quaint-dress-831 maybe you can coax the devs into the fix on the Garden side that would work around Helm ever needing to add the feature.