How do I deal with removal of cert-manager integra...
# 🌱|help-and-getting-started
Release 0.13.0 has a breaking change, "The cert-manager integration has been removed." I was using that cert-manager integration. In particular, I used the
key, but now
garden status
gives an error:
Copy code
Error validating provider configuration: key "managedBy" is not allowed at path .tlsCertificates[0][managedBy].
I don't know how to proceed. Is there a migration guide or anything for how to safely run garden 0.13.0? Any guidance would be helpful.
The state of the 0.12 cert manager integration was rather bad and I'm surprised to hear it was even working for you. We created a detailed guide on how to Deploy cert manager and external dns with garden instead so feel free to take a look at that. We'll also add this link to the breaking changes list so it's easier to find. Thanks for bringing this up!
We would love if you could give the above example a try; it is a great demo; we even included ExternalDNS to create your DNS records automatically!