Not able to use local valueFiles when using reposi...
# 🌱|help-and-getting-started
Hey guys! Just creating this one for visibility, hopefully somebody can take a look at this one, also if there’s a possibility of getting some context on the Code that handles this part I might be able to try to implement a solution for it!
Hey guys, just looking if there's anything I can help to further triage this issue? ❤️ @swift-garage-61180 @curved-intern-91221
Hi @bright-policeman-43626! Sorry for the late reply. We have a draft PR to address the issue above: It looks like it's enough to weaken the path validation conditions. We'll double check to make sure there is no regression.
You guys are amazing thank you! Is there anything that I can do to help testing this? Should I build this PR locally to test?
@bright-policeman-43626 it would be great if you can build that PR and test it locally. By the way, the PR can have some side effects. We have been allowing only sub-paths as valid
to make sure that the hashes of the value files are factored into the version hash. With this PR, it should be possible to use arbitrary paths as
. But, if you try to modify files that are located outside the module working dir, then the
garden build
command might not rebuild the image, because the version hash won't change. Please let us know if you get any unexpected behaviour while testing the PR.
@bright-policeman-43626 have you had a chance to build and test the PR?
Sorry for the delay and thanks for your patience! This should be fixed in #3445 and available in a fresh edge pre-release of garden, as well as coming to the stable release in the next few weeks.
Caveat: this might introduce some issues for the project hash and "has anything changed since last deployment" detection - if you run into any, please report here thank you! 🙇‍♂️
Thanks a lot! ❤️ this will be shipped in 0.13 right?
earlier - it will be in the next patch release, likely some time next week
Thanks a lot!
thanks a lot for reporting and helping make garden better ❤️