Standard strategy for delays between deploys?
# 🌱|help-and-getting-started
Hello again team! I love your product so much I have another question. Is there a standard way to introduce a delay between two kubernetes deploys? Example:
Copy code
kind: Deploy
type: kubernetes
name: cockroach-setup
    - crd.yml
    - operator.yml
    - dev/configmap.yml
kind: Deploy
type: kubernetes
name: cockroach-db
  - deploy.cockroach-setup
  namespace: kraken-${environment.namespace}
    - database.yml
    - name: webui
      resource: Service/cockroachdb
      targetPort: 8080
      localPort: 8999
deplay (second deploy) requires a webhook to be provisioned from
, the first deploy. The reason I split them out is because I thought doing so would cause cockroach-db to wait for the first tasks resources to be fully provisioned, but alas it does not. What is the standard way to solve this issue in Garden (or maybe Kubernetes?). I see that one can introduce a "delay job" which is just sleeping busybox in between for 10 seconds. This sounds hacky to me and I'd prefer not to do that if there's some way to tell
to confirm the webhook is up first, or perhaps give
a livenesscheck that depends on the webhook being available? Thanks
I think I got this. I put
liveness and readiness probes on the pod with a delay.
Sorry to piggy back on this, but I still sort of have an issue here:
Copy code
kind: Deploy
type: kubernetes
name: cockroach-db
  - deploy.cockroach-setup
  namespace: kraken-${environment.namespace}
    - database.yml
    - name: webui
      resource: Service/cockroachdb
      targetPort: 8080
      localPort: 8999
This deploy attempts to create the portForwards before the crd resource it's deploying (a StatefulSet) is deployed. Thus it spams my console with errors until the service is up. Where would make Garden aware of the service it's looking for? If I specify it as the default target, does garden wait to establish the port forwards?
Hi @fresh-yak-35965 Thank you for your kind words about Garden! Regarding your questions: 1. Creating a delay between deploys: a depending service like cockroach-db waits for the resources in cockroach-setup to be ready. There is one caveat though: we check readiness on all kinds of replicasets but not all resources are implemented there. I would generally choose the same approach as you and implement some readiness probes with delays - one nice way to do this is with a startupProbe, which if available could even check sth specific from cockroach-setup like the availability of an endpoint. 2. PortForwards: Again here it is possible that Garden is not aware of the resource you are deploying if it is using a CRD. Specifying a
could potentially alleviate that so i would definitely give it a spin. Let me know how it goes