is it possible to add optional varfiles. This would be help to add some optional local and gitignored .env files which are only used when existing and make it more easy to start for new developers and make it possible to override some defaults when necessary 🙂
Hi @gentle-umbrella-55872 , we don't have optional varfiles as of now.
I was looking into a way to use template strings to only define a varfile in a specific environment, but found a small bug while doing that. Will need to look into that some more. In the meantime, would you create a feature request in GitHub for this?
feature request is created 🙂 https://github.com/garden-io/garden/issues/5994
Just a small update: @freezing-pharmacist-34446 i already start with a draft PR~~ but at the moment i don't have an overview over existing joi types which i can possible reuse. ~~ https://github.com/garden-io/garden/pull/5996
Thanks a lot for your PR! We'll take a look!