Ways to speed up a Garden deployment/Unit test
# 🌱|help-and-getting-started
So I'm using Garden to deploy into a CI environment, I build the images using Local docker and then push the images to GCR and deploy to EKS cluster where I run a task that bootstrap a couple of microservices, databases and runs unit tests. So far everything is SMOOTH so we can do this without any hiccups, but we noticed that our CI went from 3 Minutes with Docker-compose to about 7 minutes with Garden. How would you go about improving the speed of your deployments?
@bright-policeman-43626 It depends on what makes it slower. Is it uploading the images, or is it something else like waiting for deployments? Can you share more details about what exactly is slow, and what you feel is unnecessarily slow compared to docker-compose?
It seems like the piece slowing me down is the pushing to ECR, it's taking a couple of minutes pushing those images there, and then pulling them down in the cluster? Is there an easy way to fix that? Thanks @big-spring-14945
@bright-policeman-43626 You can use remote builder, if your internet connection is slowing things down and you can make the image smaller.
We are also working on a drop-in "cloudbuilder" that makes caching and uploading to the registry way faster (by caching on local NVME disks, and uploading from a fast server). Would you be interested in that?
That would be nicee
The image is a bit large because it includes devTools for npm
Hi @bright-policeman-43626 are you using local-kubernetes or a remote kubernetes cluster for deploying the microservices?
This one is a remote kuberentes cluster!