Howdy gardeners, has anyone tried managing a Flutter app with Garden? I'm about to bite it off an I thought you all may have some words of wisdom.
Hi @thousands-train-42002, I don't think many of us have developed with Flutter but if your app is going to be containerized or has facilities for running it locally, Garden should still work for you. What's your setup and what are you trying to achieve?
Hey @chilly-gigabyte-83853 👋 . We've got a Kubernetes app running on EKS with Garden - everything is awesome by the way. It's organized in a monorepo and everything is fantastic with our BE services and our svelte FE. I'm just starting with the skeleton Flutter app and was more looking for some best practices or to unearth some unknown unknowns (or both).
I'm happy to report back on progress
Nice glad to hear the FE/BE part on EKS works great! 🙂 Yeah, I'd love to hear more about progress on Flutter and what kind of challenges you are facing. 🙂 Feel free to add to the thread whenever you have an update! 👍
I will say it was a little painful setting us ECR with OIDC. There were some things I would have added to the docs, but it wasn't obvious to me how to.
Will do!
It's really great that you guys have this community version - lookin at you Okteto - for us young startups to build on.
We have this section of the docs to document how to setup an external deployment registry: https://docs.garden.io/kubernetes-plugins/guides/in-cluster-building#configuring-a-deployment-registry. If you feel like adding more info or gotchas you discovered while setting your own up, this is the file to edit: https://github.com/garden-io/garden/blob/48ad7f0d3ecf07bd028cb879433e1673f2ac3afc/docs/k8s-plugins/guides/in-cluster-building.md#configuring-a-deployment-registry. The docs are generated from the main Garden repo and hosted on GitBook, so if you feel like opening a PR, we'd be very happy to review it. 🙂
Thanks man. You rock!