```Command "/Users/d/.garden/tools/mutagen/85054cb...
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Command "/Users/d/.garden/tools/mutagen/85054cb3eb04c4f0/mutagen sync create /Users/d/workspace/web-app-example/.garden/build/api exec:'/Users/d/.garden/tools/kubectl/1e94559bd98b1ec1/kubectl exec -i --context=arn:aws:eks:me-south-1:1234123:cluster/dev-dev-eks --namespace=example-garden-example-garden-d --container util Deployment/garden-util -- /.garden/mutagen-agent synchronizer':/data/8dd0cd22-01bf-4974-bea3-31792e90ecd7/api --name k8s--build-sync--remote-dev--example-garden-example-garden--api--ej46gf18 --sync-mode one-way-replica --default-file-mode 0644 --default-directory-mode 0755" failed with code 1:

Error: unable to connect to beta: unable to connect to endpoint: unable to dial agent endpoint: unable to handshake with agent process: unable to receive server magic number: EOF (error output: error: You must be logged in to the server (Unauthorized))

Here's the full output:

Connecting to agent (POSIX)...
Error: unable to connect to beta: unable to connect to endpoint: unable to dial agent endpoint: unable to handshake with agent process: unable to receive server magic number: EOF (error output: error: You must be logged in to the server (Unauthorized))
Any ideas how to debug this deploying to example project to EKS. Added ECR IAM permission.
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⚠ build.api                 → Failed to start sync from Build api build path to Build sync Pod. 0 attempts left.
✖ build.api                 → Failed (took 46.2 sec)
ℹ deploy.api                → Aborting because upstream dependency failed.
✖ build.api                 → Failed processing Build type=container name=api (took 50.83 sec). This is what happened:
Narrowed this down to kubectl not picking up the credentials when ran from garden cli. Tried with AWS env vars, sso and key in .aws/credentials. If I run the kubectl command passed to mutagen exec it works under same terminal so must be something to do with mutagen exec not getting creds? Update: after loosing a day debugging this, restarted my mac and magically started working. Very odd. Must be bug somewhere with this stack.