command executed: garden deploy --log-level=silly --logger-type=basic --var targetImage=production --env feature
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Unable to run docker command: An error occurred while trying to run '/root/.garden/tools/docker/e9744f1ea7f84408/docker/docker' (spawn /root/.garden/tools/docker/e9744f1ea7f84408/docker/docker ENOENT). Please make sure '/root/.garden/tools/docker/e9744f1ea7f84408/docker/docker' is installed and in the $PATH.
β„Ή build.root-config [debug] β†’ Spawning '/root/.garden/tools/docker/e9744f1ea7f84408/docker/docker manifest inspect xxx.azurecr.io/xxxx/xxx:v-224566a45f' in /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/.garden/build/root-config
βœ– build.root-config    β†’ Failed resolving status for Build type=container name=root-config (took 4.61 sec). Here is the output:
seems its missing in the install guide for 0.13 to ad ~/.garden/tools to path?
Hey @colossal-salesclerk-87522, I'm sad to see this error, would you mind providing the following details? - What OS are you using - Which method you followed to install Garden
Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS Release: 20.04 Codename: focal
curl -sL https://get.garden.io/install.sh | bash -s 0.13.5
Did you run this command?
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export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.garden/bin
i have gone so far to add everything to the path
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i execute this
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/root/.garden/tools/docker/e9744f1ea7f84408/docker/docker manifest inspect xxx.myregistry.io/xxx/xxx-api:v-1c03d541d2
and it works as the same user but from withing garden deploy it doesn work
If you try and git clone https://github.com/garden-io/quickstart-example and run against it from your home $USER dir, I'll wager Garden will run without error
What's your CI/CD system? GitLab CI?