Ignoring dependencies temporarily
# 🌱|help-and-getting-started
Hello, I was wondering if there is a flag to run garden deploy where we can tell it to ignore the dependencies. I searched here and online and I couldn't find anything. Use case: Many times the environment is deployed and I just modify a single module image tag and I need to deploy it again, I know it's dependencies are up and running but garden takes extra time to validate it's dependencies, sometimes in our use case that's up to 30 modules! I go manually to the garden file and temporarily comment out the dependencies so that It can deploy much faster, would be nice if there is a flag to do that. Sometimes we push the commented out dependencies by mistake 😦 Thanks!
Hey @aloof-lamp-69262, the dependencies are listed as sources? You can specify which garden services you are deploying with ‘garden deploy service-1,service-2’ without affecting the others. Would that be enough? Also we have the ‘garden deploy —skip-dependencies’ command that should work in a similar way of what you intended?
Did I miss that in the documentation
That's what I am looking for
Cool! Sorry by bad. It looks like it is there in the documentation
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No worries! Happy to help🌸