I was looking into our docker image build process ...
# 💻|contributing
I was looking into our docker image build process and trying to simplify things a bit and hopefully get the sizes down a bit too, so I wanted to do a multi stage build and copy files from there. What makes it tricky a bit is that so many of the CLI tools run on python with its famously convoluted dependency management system, but one thing that might help would be upgrading AWS CLI to v2 which has the ability to properly separate its install into its own self-contained directory from where copying the files over is easy. Is there any major reason why we only ship with v1 currently and could we bump it, or do we need to stick with v1?
it would be lovely to update a bunch of the tooling in our docker images, we are pretty far behind in some of them
on one hand, we might need to be careful about publishing an image with a major-upgrade of awscli because it might break scripts people have written for use in those images on the other hand, awscli 2 has been available for three years. we absolutely should be updating to it, as people would be perfectly right in expecting awscli 2 on our images and in regular day-to-day use 😅
i wonder if there's any chance we could get some of these tool upgrades (aws cli, gcloud cli) into the 0.13 images, to have a natural upgrading point
I'll see what I can do 🙂
thank you so much 🙏 i could probably hop on a quick discord call at some point as well to help