There is an issue with backwards compatibility in ...
# 💻|contributing
There is an issue with backwards compatibility in workflows, in 0.13: Because we made some changes to commands that are not backwards compatible to 0.12, workflows itself also are not backwards-compatible (as they invoke commands). See as an example. How should we address this problem?
Good point. We should mostly be able to auto-convert workflow step commands to their Bonsai equivalent in a relatively straightforward way. We'd have to parse the args and opts, and call a converter function for any removed command.
I'll write up a GitHub issue for this over the weekend.
I would instead of this, suggest that we keep old commands working as before with a depracation warning. That would also aid to github workflows and scripts that use the old format. We could remove them in 0.14. I would much prefer that over auto conversion in workflows – that would just be very confusing IMO
I think we should be able to make them backwards-compatible—at least mostly. There may be an option or two here and there that we can't faithfully retrofit, but in those cases (if any) we can also just log an informative warning message.