Hey, there was a small regression recently with `....
# 💻|contributing
Hey, there was a small regression recently with
added to some tests suite on the 0.13-branch. Fix is here: https://github.com/garden-io/garden/pull/4147
Ok, turns out there was a bunch of errors when running the full unit-test suite. Details here: https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/garden-io/garden/16731/workflows/e39cd73c-515e-47ec-937c-413185308cb2/jobs/284671
@brief-restaurant-63679 I think its related to the logs refactor, do you have time to take a quick look?
we merged in the PR above into 0.13 so others don't have to do the same fixes to run their tests
Hmm, all tests were passing when we merged.
Ah yeah, because of the only. That's sucks
I'll look into this