We need to re-enable more of the integ tests as so...
# 💻|contributing
We need to re-enable more of the integ tests as soon as possible. For example, we don't have any active integ tests for sync mode or local mode at this point (at least none that actually test the end-to-end behaviour), which means we have to manually test them both anytime we make changes that could affect them.
If the current test cases are too flaky, then maybe we need to just write new test cases from scratch.
CC @calm-family-29323 @ancient-diamond-80011—maybe you two could have a look at that once the prerelease-related stuff is ready? Might be a good thing to pair on.
Sync mode in particular is a very critical piece of functionality that we really shouldn't leave out of our integ tests for more than 1-2 releases, since until that's done, we'll need to manually test it every time we cut a release.
CC @curved-intern-91221—can we make sure that manual testing of sync mode and local mode is part of the prerelease process until we're integ testing these again?
Thanks, everyone!
Yes, I'll check it soon
The current problem is this weird imagePull error [1] appearing seemingly at random and not being reproducible locally. See the slack thread for more info [2] 1. https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/garden-io/garden/16140/workflows/a3138e9e-30a1-4e82-97af-31d8c40dabb5/jobs/270537 2. https://garden-io.slack.com/archives/C010P7ZCE9H/p1678894768043439?thread_ts=1678894746.746889&cid=C010P7ZCE9H
Ah yes, I remember that one. I wonder if we need to bring in an SRE to help here, or refresh/update something in our CI setup?
suddenly even more started failing so I'm quite lost on what could be causing this
In CI, that is? Or when you run them locally?
Does anyone have any trouble with pushing the changes to branches? I'm getting the error:
Copy code
remote: fatal error in commit_refs
To https://github.com/garden-io/garden.git
ongoing issue at github's side https://www.githubstatus.com/
I added the manual testing steps to the pre-release action items list in Notion