I don't think there is one in 0.12 or Bonsai, but ...
# 💻|contributing
I don't think there is one in 0.12 or Bonsai, but that would be such a cool addition though!
Maybe like a Helm --dry-run or a
terraform plan
kind of deal? @icy-furniture-17516
I think this would really help a lot for CI environments, basically a diff step for PR's?
yes (although for helm, there is https://github.com/databus23/helm-diff which is closer to what I am hoping for)
yes. exec modules wouldn't support it, but for helm/k8s/container modules I guess it is doable
Yes, I think that would be a great addition, do you mind doing a feature request? Maybe this would be something that we could tackle after Bonsai release!
Thanks a lot!