ModuleTemplate based of another ModuleTemplate
# 🌱|help-and-getting-started
Can we define a new
based off an existing one? The idea here is the project is giving, same template X and then a set of modules can create their own template Y based of template X and define the arguments that are common for all of it's services instead of repeating them for each template of the base template X. Can this be done? I tried an example but I can't get it to work
Hi @aloof-lamp-69262 we'll be back to you today with an answer 🙂
Thank you!
@swift-garage-61180, one of our co-founders, doesn't think this is possible unfortunately 😔 but this is a feature that's been requested informally before. If you'd like to see it in Garden, could I ask you to open a feature request on our GitHub? Doesn't need to be long or overly formal
That's ok, I can live without it. Thanks for the answer.
I have a new question today I will post it soon, should be easier to tackle